18 May, 2010

Autumnal Chills

i find happiness in the tiny threads of a moment- the golden tinted lines of beauty between one minute and the next.

there is a heaviness in the dawn and twilight air this autumn-
its thickness coats the lungs and chills the skin in a slight layer of damp wintry pre-wonder.
it's a sweet, teasing taste of frosted glass windows discovered in the morning
it's in the tangible fog that waits for the heat of sun to melt,
and it's the exhale of breath made visible as we make our way through the dark of night.

despite the chill which creeps into muscle and bone, these moments experienced are smile making tokens of a natural beauty felt and envisioned.

it is part of a harmony found in the intake of the bitter sweet, crisp cold air and the greeting of that air as we burst forth from the heat of our homes into the street.

17 May, 2010

Hello, delayed posting!

Right. so how long has it been... just over two years. this blog started as part of the oh so heckly and annoying project called Web 2.0 training which the state library rolled out to edumacate the librarian masses about what the internet was offering as far as new 'technologies' online were concerned at that time.  it was cool to get to spend my day playing around on the net, and, i also was really sick of it really quickly.

sooooooooo how about this blogging thing? not sure what i'm going to do from here on out on this space, but i think it's worthy of attempting to do something with it. even if i just use it to follow my more dedicated blogging compatriots and have a nice laugh whilst at work now and then (cos they are rock star writers, i've noticed).

so that's it for now. we'll see how i feel tomorrow. maybe i'll have something to say about my housie. or the boy in the flannel shirt. or nothing at all. for now though. this is for me. about me. and eventually my writing.