26 November, 2007

#21 podding with the muggles

i forgot how funny some american accents can be (with myself being one)... the intro to pod-cast #121- "Bellatrix needs some love" from the MuggleCasters was quite interesting...but that is the point.. there really are no rules for podcasts, like radio may have (well organized radio at least)... you can make the rules yourself.

anyway, back to the podcast:

not only was there the typical sounding Harry Potter instrumental intro sounds to the movies when they begin to zoom into Hogwarts, they did it in Metal-music style... v. interesting,and this could be because it's hosted by 20something or other dudes... with loads more metallica-esque guitar riffs with that halloweeny-ness of harry potter movie music.. gotta love the dramatization of it all.. pod casts can do anything ,really, can't they. they do news, (did you know there is going to be a Harry Potter theme park opening in 2009 "Holidays at Hogwarts" at Universial Studios in Florida!?!) and well all sorts of news for muggles.

i picked this podcast b/c it relates to young adult lit, and it does have this YA edge to it (esp the music.. )

podcasts are a great idea for libraries. currently there are podcasts of book talks, lectures, seminars, meetings, etc and there could be podcasts much like the one i'm listening to now which could be 'run' like a radio station by youth for youth on behalf of the library doing book reviews on new books like "King Dork" or the Gossip Girl series. all worth the technology this tool has to offer.

ps. man if only i were back in america, i'd be a hop skip and a jump away from harry potter land at universal studios.. that would be kinda cool.. don't pretend you don't think so too :)

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