02 October, 2007

My tasks are all over the place... #8

I am not so sure about RSS feeds-- and this reasoning is mostly because I'm not one to spend heaps of time online reading something (maybe this is the GenY in me popping through). The only time I go through the news is the quick pull down tab that SBS and BBC news provides in Firefox or when I google something I need for say a recipe or a quick check on something (like dictionary.com). I don't spend heaps of time online 'informating' myself. It's more about the social aspect of things unless I absolutely MUST look up something. I like using Facebook and Myspace (if I ever use that b/c it's not as cool as Facebook anymore! oh how quickly things change.. how fickle even.) and checking my email accounts, skyping with friends and family and just keeping tabs. However, if I did this correctly, here is a way to subscribe to my Blogline and see what I might, maybe won't?, keep tabs on:
Subscribe with Bloglines

or you can go here: http://www.bloglines.com/public/Leonee

I'm not a huge fan. I think it's because it takes too much reading (again GenY of me?) to figure it out... not straightforward. Example, I can't share my blogline (there isn't a 'share' tab like the Learning2.0 blog shows their should be, and when I attempt to make public my info, save and then exit, the info isn't saved and I go back into the account and change it again... and again.. and again... it doesn't save. glitch? who knows, but i've wasted 5 minutes trying to figure it out, when it's something I'm not entirely interested. Ah well, I gave it a go, right? :)

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